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We read in the Book of Genesis that God created the heaven and the earth in six days. Going by the account of the book of Genesis, we can assuredly say that the miracle of the universe was performed in six days! l pray for someone using this devotional; by the time you go through the first six days of this year, listing to God through this devotional, the everlasting miracles you need for the rest of your life shall be yours in Jesus name. The first challenge that confront the universe was darkness, and this was the first thing God dealt with. When an individual gropes in darkness, he is likely to fall into a ditch and thereby end his life. In other words, darkness is potentially harmful. This is  why there must be light; and there will be light in your life today in Jesus name. God said in Genesis 1:3  Let there be light: and there was light One lesson we must learn here is that it was when God spoke His Word that the miracle of light occurred. Many people do not know what they lo

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